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The Blog

It started as single post over on Shotgun Shack’s blog (read that post here). Then it was a hash tag that took off in the international aid and development Twitterverse. On December 11, 2010, it launched in stand-alone glory and became one of the go-to humor sites for expat aid workers and those who like to poke fun at them, complete with the requisite Facebook page and Twitter feed.

Stuff Expat Aid Workers Like is an ongoing series of sometimes satirical, sometimes ironic, usually humorous (but sometimes dead serious), always honest vignettes of the humanitarian aid industry from the inside. Sometimes we want to complain about one of the many ills of the Aid System. Other times we celebrate that same system. Sometimes we expose odd behaviors we recognize in ourselves. Sometimes we call out things we see other Expat Aid Workers doing that we find humorous or offensive. Sometimes we attempt to impress you with our erudition as we explicate the subtle nuances of ethics and morality where cultures and world views collide. Sometimes we will be harsh (it’s a harsh world out there). Sometimes we try to set the record straight. Sometimes all we want is to one-up you with a story of how we’ve suffered in the field.

We are aid workers. We are expats. This is the stuff we like.

The Bloggers

Shotgun Shack. Gringa. Community Development. Latin America. Africa. Blogs anonymously at Shotgun Shack. Read Shotgun Shack’s extended bio here.  Facebook: Shotgun Shack. Twitter: .

J. Nguoi Nuoc Ngoai. Disaster Response. Asia. Middle East. Former Soviet Union. Formerly blogged at Tales From the Hood, and then AidSpeak (both now closed). Read J.’s extended bio here. Twitter: .

The Illustrator

Manu. Sénégaulois. Special Task Forces and other High-Level Executive Agency Stuff. Vietnam. Africa. New York. Berkeley. Paris. Perros-Guirec. Cartoons at Manucartoons. Read Manu’s extended bio here. Facebook: Manucartoons.

Guest Bloggers

Many posts, especially between 2012-2014, are from guest authors. (See Guest Blogging: Rules of Engagement)